What are the major parts of the brain? Mention the functions of different parts.

Functions of brain Parts

The fore brain

The fore brain is the main part of the brain responsible for thinking. It has areas where different receptors send sensory impulses. The forebrain has several regions that are specialised for hearing, smell, sight, and other senses

The cerebrum is responsible for sensory processing. Which coordinates all voluntary actions such as thoughts, sensations, Memory, learning etc.

Mid brain

Controls of reflex movements of head, neck, and eye which includes change in pupil size.

Hind brain

Cerebellum: In responsible for maintaining the body’s balance and posture as well as voluntary actions.

Medulla: The medulla controls involuntary functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. It also controls swallowing, sneezing, vomiting, coughing etc.

Pons: The Pons controls touch and pain sensations as well as involuntary  actions like respiration.

The hypothalamus controls the sleep and wake cycle like balancing, body temperature etc.

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