The regions where the coils become closer are called compressions (C) and the regions where the coils are further apart are called
rarefactions (R). As we already know, sound propagates in the medium as a series of compressions and rarefactions. Now, we can compare the propagation of disturbance in a slinky with the sound propagation in the medium. These waves are called longitudinal waves. In these waves the individual particles of the medium move in a direction parallel to the direction of propagation of the disturbance. The particles do not move from
one place to another but they simply oscillate back and forth about their position of rest.
This is exactly how a sound wave propagates, hence sound waves are longitudinal waves

There is also another type of wave, called transverse wave. In a transverse wave particles do not oscillate along the direction of wave propagation but oscillate up and down about their mean position as the wave travels.
Thus, a transverse wave is the one in which the individual particles of the medium move about their mean positions in a direction perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. When we drop a pebble in a pond, the waves you see on the water surface is an example of transverse wave. Light is a transverse wave but for light, the oscillations are not of the medium particles or their pressure or density – it is not a mechanical wave.