People have always been attracted to beautiful, rare objects. Diamonds have been treasured as gemstones since ancient times, admired for their beauty, and people still think of diamonds as the ultimate luxury in jewellery. However, diamonds are valued for far more than their captivating beauty. Their unique physical properties make them prized above all other gems.
We are all familiar with the beauty of a diamond set in an engagement ring, earrings, or other fine jewellery, as well as the 1947 catchphrase “A diamond is forever” popularised by De Beers.

Diamonds are the traditional stone in engagement and wedding rings and have a long-standing association with the bridal industry as a symbol of enduring love and fidelity.

Diamonds are suitable for a variety of industrial applications due to their superior strength and distinctive characteristics. Eighty percent of all mined rough diamonds are used for industrial purposes because the majority of them are not of the quality needed to be gemstones.
Diamonds have traditionally been used for cutting, drilling, and polishing because of their extreme hardness (a 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale)* and durability. The mining industry and the military are two industries where they are particularly well-liked. To improve the ability of saw blades, drill bits, and grinding wheels to cut tough materials, very small diamond particles are incorporated into these tools. For polishing or very fine grinding, diamond powder is made into a paste and applied.
Additionally, diamonds are used to polish and cut other diamonds for jewellery.

Diamonds are used in the manufacturing of automobiles and are a crucial component of the automotive industry. Diamond-coated grinding wheels are used to bevel and polish window glass, while diamond saws and drill bits are used to cut and finish car bodies and engine components.

Diamond membranes are transparent, highly enduring, and abrasion and heat resistant. Diamond windows are used to cover openings in lasers, vacuum chambers, and x-ray machines. They are made from incredibly thin diamond membranes.
Diamonds may be good for your health. According to medical research, nanodiamonds, which are very small diamond particles, may be used as a gauge of a cancer treatment’s efficacy after a patient has received it, enabling doctors to keep track of the cells’ development.

Additionally, scientists are testing diamonds as a potential component for bionic eyes and eye implants, as well as using them to assist the blind.
To aid dentists in drilling with maximum efficiency and without concern for breaking instruments, many dental tools come with diamond tips.

Because diamonds are unbreakable and do not even scratch, they are used to engrave hard stone like granite and quartz.

Industrial-grade diamonds are thought to improve the efficiency of premium speakers, thus enhancing sound quality. Thin diamond domes can vibrate quickly without breaking or losing sound quality because diamond is a very stiff material. DJ equipment and record player needles both use diamonds.
Some cosmetic companies sell pricey diamond-based cosmetics, such as diamond-flecked spray, exfoliators, and blurring agents, which are claimed to make wrinkles appear less prominent.


Diamonds can heat up and cool down without significantly affecting performance and are excellent heat conductors. As a result, diamonds are used as a material for heat sinks. To keep a hot component, like a processor, cool, a heat sink is an electronic device that incorporates either a fan or a peltier device.