How is the equal genetic contribution of male and female parents ensured in the progeny?

By inheriting an equal number of chromosomes from both parents, kids are guaranteed to have genetic contributions from both male and female parents. Chromosomes come in 23 pairs, however not all of them are coupled. The 22 pairings are known as autosomes, while the final pair, which consists of one pair, is known as the sex chromosomes (represented as X and Y.)
Males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, while females have two sets of X chromosomes.
Fertilization, which occurs during the reproductive process and involves the union of the male and female gametes, produces a diploid zygote.

 Additionally, both parents contribute the same amount of genetic material to the zygote. The man contributes one X or Y chromosome in addition to 22 autosomes. 22 autosomes are contributed by the female.

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