A single yarn of used to make a piece of fabric, or, The process of getting a single yarn together to form a fabric is called Knitting. It is mostly used for woollen wear. This is mostly done manually and sometimes using machines.
A single yarn of used to make a piece of fabric, or, The process of getting a single yarn together to form a fabric is called Knitting. It is mostly used for woollen wear. This is mostly done manually and sometimes using machines.
A machine that is used for making cloth (weaving) by passing pieces of thread across and under other pieces. or Weaving of fabric is done on looms. The looms are either hand operated or power operated.
The process of arranging two sets of yarns together to make a fabric is called weaving.
The process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning.
The process of separating fibers from the seeds of cotton is called ginning of cotton.
The fruits of the cotton plant is called cotton bolls . After maturing, the bolls burst open and the seeds covered with cotton fibres can be seen.
Synthetic fibres are the man-made polymers designed to make a fabric. Polymers are obtained when many small units are joined together chemically. Some of the examples of synthetic fibres are: Rayon: It is made from wood pulp. It is also known as artificial silk as it has characteristics resembling silk. Nylon: It was the first synthetic fibre. …
Natural fibres are the fibres that are obtained from plants, animals or mineral sources. Some examples are cotton, silk, wool etc. Natural fibres can again be divided into two types based on their source i.e. plants and animals.
a fiber is a long and thin strand or thread of material that can be knit or woven into a fabric.
Yarn is a long, continuous length of fibers that have been spun or felted together. Yarn is used to make cloth by knitting or weaving.