What is the funtion of Round bottom flask ?
Round-bottom flasks are often used to contain chemical reactions run by chemists, especially for reflux set-ups and laboratory-scale synthesis.
Round-bottom flasks are often used to contain chemical reactions run by chemists, especially for reflux set-ups and laboratory-scale synthesis.
Beakers are useful as a reaction container or to hold liquid or solid samples.
It is used for special purposes and are resistant to chemicals .
It is used for heating chemicals and studying reactions in chemicals solution.
Organic chemistry is the study of molecules that contain carbon compounds. In contrast, inorganic chemistry is the study of all compounds that do NOT contain carbon compounds
Science is the subject which includes the study of various experiments performed by scientists. Science can be bifurcated into three main branches or parts Physics, Chemistry and Biology which make study of each branch simple.
It is used as a building material
It is used as an explosive
Antoiene Lavoisier