Measures to Protect Ourselves from Lightning
(1) No open space is safe during lightning and thunderstorm. A house (or any other building) is a safe place during lightning. we should rush to a safer place like a house or some other building nearby on hearing the thunder and observing the lightning in the sky.
(2) Open vehicles are not safe during lightning and thunderstorm. So, we should leave such open vehicles during lightning and take shelter inside a house (or some other building).
(3) If the person is in open space when thunderstorm and lightning begin, and there is no suitable shelter available nearby, then the following precautions should be taken for protection from lightning:
(a) When in open space, a person should never stand under a tree to take shelter during thunderstorm because there is danger of lightning striking the tree and burning it up. This lightning can also pass through the body of the person standing under the tree and kill him. If, however, a person is in a forest, he should take shelter under a short tree because a short tree is less likely to be hit by lightning. On the other hand, a tall tree (being nearer to the thunderclouds) is more likely to be hit by lightning.
(b) When in open space, a person should not lie on the ground during the thunderstorm and lightning.A person should squat low on the ground during lightning. The person should place his hands on his knees with his head between the hands . This position will make the person the shortest object around which is unlikely to be hit by lightning. The person should also stay away from electric poles, telephone poles and other metal objects during lightning.
(4) We should avoid raising an umbrella over head during lightning. This is because lightning may strike the top end of the metal rod of umbrella and harm us.
(5) The TV antennas and dish antennas fixed on tall buildings are especially prone to lightning strikes. We should, therefore, switch off sets during frequent lightning otherwise TV sets may get burnt.
(6) Lightning can strike metal pipes (such as water pipes) fixed in buildings. So, during a thunderstorm when lightning is taking place, we should avoid touching the metal pipes fixed in a house or building.