The Stars

The Stars
There is a large number of stars in the sky. Observe carefully on a dark night and from a place away from a big city. Are all the stars equally bright? Are they of the same colour? In fact, stars emit light of their own. The Sun is also a star. Why does it appear so large compared to the other stars?
Which appears bigger, a football placed near you, or a football placed at a distance of 100 m? The stars are millions of times farther away than the
Sun. Therefore, the stars appear to us like points.

In fact, the stars are present in the sky during the day-time also. However, they are not visible then because of the bright sunlight. Observe some prominent star or a group of stars in the sky for about two hours or more.
You will find that the stars appear to move from east to west. A star which rises in the east in the evening, sets in the west in the early morning.

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