What is Hypermetropia and also write Cause , symptom and correction ?

What is Hypermetropia?

Hypermetropia is also knows as long-sightedness, or far-sightedness.

Hypermetropia is the condition of the eyes where the image of a nearby object is formed behind the retina. Here, the light is focused behind the retina instead of focusing on the retina.

Hypermetropia is mainly caused due to some structural defects in the retina. these are

Small-sized eye-ball
Lenses without circles
It has a flatter cornea than usual.
Retinal blood vessels that are damaged
Mild ciliary muscle weakness
Changes in the lens’s refractive index
Alterations in the position of the lens or absence of lens
Low convergence of the eye’s lenses

Risk may be :

Tumours around the eyes
Several medicines
Microphthalmia (small eye syndrome) caused by diabetes

Symptoms of hypermetropia

Initial signs of this issue are minimal, but later on they include minor light sensitivity, blurred vision, moist eyes, eye fatigue, turning of the eyes inward, and headaches.

Correction of hypermetropia

This defect can be corrected by wearing spectacles having a convex lens which are of suitable focal length. The power of convex lens depends upon the degree of defect in the eye, it varies from person to person. The power of spectacles for a hypermetropic eye is positive because the focal length of the convex lens is positive.

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