Solution :
Despite the fact that they are not directly connected, the terms AIDS and HIV are frequently used interchangeably. So what precisely separates AIDS from HIV? In essence, HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. The body’s immune system is destroyed to the point where it can no longer fight off diseases on its own. It is a retrovirus and its genetic makeup is RNA.
The HIV infection spreads through the following ways
(i) Unprotected sex with a person who has the disease already.
(ii) reuse of infected person’s needles.
(iii) across the placenta from an infected mother to the unborn child.
(iv) blood donation from a sick person.

This virus takes a while to fully develop before attacking the immune system (10 years). Since the immune system serves as the body’s natural defence system, HIV may make it more difficult for the patient to fend against infections and illnesses.
T-helper cells and a specific subset of WBCs (White Blood Cells) are destroyed by HIV. Inside these cells, this virus also replicates. CD4 cells are another name for T-helper cells.
Causes or Mode of Infection

The blood’s macrophages get infected with HIV. Once infected, the viral RNA enters the host cell and uses reverse transcription to make DNA. This viral DNA subsequently fuses with the host genome and triggers transcription to create numerous copies of the RNA. These RNAs then combine to create other virus copies, which propagate the infection in the same manner.
HIV also penetrates T lymphocytes at the same time as it does macrophages, where it proceeds with the same series of actions. As a result, fewer helper T cells are produced. As a result, the body’s immunity is seriously damaged. The immunity is severely compromised, causing the affected person to experience.
Symptom of AIDS
The signs and symptoms of HIV infection can vary from person to person and, in rare situations, a patient may not exhibit any symptoms at all. Typical HIV warning signs and symptoms include:
Joint aches
unwell throat
muscle pain
uneasy stomach
Skin rashes that are red
fatigue and sluggishness Sleeping with perspiring
enlarged or swollen glands

The aforementioned symptoms may linger for a few days or for a few weeks. A person with HIV frequently shows no symptoms, feels OK, and looks fine.
Prevention of AIDS

A test called ELISA, which stands for “Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay,” can be used to identify HIV infection. Since AIDS is still incurable, HIV prophylaxis is the best course of action. The prevention can be inferred from the causes of AIDS, which we have covered.
Use of disposable needles, safe sexual practises, such as the use of protection such as condoms, routine health examinations, and monitoring of blood transfusion and pregnancy are a few examples.
The awareness of AIDS is a further crucial element. Since HIV cannot be communicated by simple physical touch, those who are infected must be treated with kindness and without prejudice.