What is nagaram?
The organization of merchants was called the nagaram. Usually, these assemblies were controlled by rich merchants and landowners. Such local assemblies survived for centuries in south India.
The organization of merchants was called the nagaram. Usually, these assemblies were controlled by rich merchants and landowners. Such local assemblies survived for centuries in south India.
This is what Ashoka declared in one of his inscriptions: “Eight years after becoming king I conquered Kalinga. About a lakh and a half people were captured. And more than a lakh of people were killed. This filled me with sorrow.
Iron was not used in the Harappan cities. Harappan cities are part of Indus Valley Civilizations, which was held after the Chalcolithic period of stone-age.
Chariots were important because they were main means of transport. The other famous means of transport was the carts.
A word or a prayer that is chanted or sung.
A person with special or deep knowledge of a particular subject.
The civilization was first identified in 1921 at Harappa in the Punjab region and then in 1922 at Mohenjo-daro near the Indus River in the Sindhu.
a specialist in archaeology , the scientific study of prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, etc.
Apart from food, animals give skin, used for making clothes; bones for making tools; and the sinews were used as a thread.
walls, towers, etc., built especially in the past to protect a place against attack.