Medicinal Use of Microorganisms

Medicinal Use of Microorganisms The source of these medicines is microorganisms. These medicines kill or stop the growth of the disease-causing microorganisms. Such medicines are called antibiotics. These days a number of antibiotics are being produced from bacteria and fungi. Streptomycin, tetracycline and erythromycin are some of the commonly known antibiotics which are made from …

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Where do Microorganisms

Microorganisms may be single-celled like bacteria, some algae and protozoa, or multicellular, such as many algae andfungi. They live in all types of environment, ranging from ice cold climate to hot springs; and deserts to marshy lands. They are also found inside the bodies of animals including humans. Some microorganisms grow on other organisms while …

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What are Friendly Microorganisms?

Friendly MicroorganismsMicroorganisms are used for various purposes. They are used in the preparation of curd, bread and cake.Curd contains several microorganisms. Of these, the bacterium, Lactobacillus promotes the formation of curd. It multiplies in milk and converts it into curd. Bacteria are also involved in the making of cheese, pickles and many other food items. …

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What is Viruses ?

Viruses are also microscopic but are different from other microorganisms.They, however, reproduce only inside the cells of the host organism, which may be a bacterium, plant or animal. Common ailments like cold, influenza (flu) and most coughs are caused by viruses.Serious diseases like polio and chicken pox are also caused by viruses.