Define Deposition .
It is a process in which a substance changes directly from a gas to a solid without going through the liquid phase.
It is a process in which a substance changes directly from a gas to a solid without going through the liquid phase.
It is a process in which a substance changes directly from a solid to a gas without going through the liquid phase.
It is a process in which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid.
It is a specific type of vapourisation which occurs at temperature below the boiling point of a liquid.
The melting of solid into liqiud.
A process in which a substance changes from solid to a liquid.
A process in which a substance changes its state from the liquid to the gaseous state without boiling.
A process in which a substance changes its state from the liquid state to gaseous state.
Solid Liquid Gases
It is the force of attraction between the molecules of two different substances.