Define Crystal.
A crystal is a homogeneous solid of definte geometrical shape. It has symmetrically arranged smooth plane surfaces which meet forming the sharp edges.
A crystal is a homogeneous solid of definte geometrical shape. It has symmetrically arranged smooth plane surfaces which meet forming the sharp edges.
A substance having high solubility such as sodium chloride is simply called Soluble.
A substance that has negligible solubility is called insouluble.
The amount of solute that dissovle in 100g of solvent to form a saturated solution at a particular temperature is called its solubility.
A solution in which more of the solute can be dissloved at a given temperature is known as Unsaturated solution.
A solution in which the size of the solute particles is about 10-10m is called a true solution .
A homogenous solution of a solid into another solid is called a solid solution.
A solution is a homogenous mixture of two or more components whose composition may be gradually changed by changing the relative amounts of the components.
The energy required to change water into its vapour at its boiling point without any change in temperature .
The amount of heat energy required by ice to change into water.