What is bile?
It is a yellowish-green and watery fluid produced in the liver, which is transported through the hepatic duct.
It is a yellowish-green and watery fluid produced in the liver, which is transported through the hepatic duct.
The small intestine helps in both digestion and absorption.
The size of the ileum is about 2 meters.
Next short region to the duodenum of about 2 meters.
Short upper part next to the stomach.
The three sub-regions of the small intestine are: Duodenum Jejunum Ileum
The small intestine is a tube about 7 meters long and 2.5 cm wide.
Sometimes when the stomach is overloaded or disturbed, vomiting occurs in which the cardiac sphincter opens and a reverse wave of muscular contraction is caused by throwing the contents out through the mouth.
The food stays in the stomach for about 3 hours and it attains a pulp-like form called the chyme.
There are three types of salivary glands:- Parotid glands Submandibular glands Sublingual glands