Name the enzyme which digests fats in the ileum.
Lipase digests fats in the ileum.
Lipase digests fats in the ileum.
Ptyalin digests starch in the mouth.
The expulsion of the undigested remains of the food from the alimentary canal is called defaecation.
The rectum is the last part, about 15 cm long which opens at the anus.
The three sub-regions of the large intestine are:- Caecum Colon Rectum
The size of the large intestine is about 1.5 metre long.
Lipase digests fats into fatty acid and glycerol.
The inner layer of the ileum is made into a great number of tiny finger-like projections called villi.
There are three types of enzymes present in pancreatic juice: Amylopsin Trypsin Steapsin
Pancreatic juice is produced in a whitish gland, pancreas, located behind the stomach.