What is Weeding ?
Process of removing weeds is called Weeding.
Process of removing weeds is called Weeding.
Natural or chemical substances that contain one or more nutrients essential for plant growth are called Fertilizers.
Cattle farming includes rearing and breeding of cows and buffaloes.
Poultry farming deals with housing, rearing, sanitation, disease control and marketing of poultry birds and products. It is undertaken to raise domestic fowl for egg production and chicken meat.
The rearing and breeding of fishes in natural or man-made ecosystems is called Pisciculture.
Apiculture is the commercial rearing of honeybees for obtaining various products such as honey, bee wax, etc.
Sericulture is the commercial rearing of silkworms for thier silk.
The practice of growing different crops on the same field in a pre-planned succession is called crop rotation.
Irrigation refers to the process of watering the agriculture plants through artificial means like wells, tanks, tubewells ,canals, etc.
The process of loosening and turning the soil is called ploughing.