
Question 10.
How does temperature, light intensity and wind affect transpiration?

Answer:Temperature: Transpiration is faster on hot summer days as compared to cold winters.Light intensity: The transpiration rate is increased due to the increase in light intensity.During daytime in the sunlight, the rate of transpiration is faster. This is because thestomata remain open to allow the inward diffusion of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.During dark, the stomata …

Question 10.
How does temperature, light intensity and wind affect transpiration?
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Question 9. Briefly explain, how transpiration helps in upward conduction of water in plants? (a) ………. (b) ……….

Answer:(a) Plants continuously absorb water through their roots. This water is sent up throughthe stem to all parts of the plant, including the leaves. Only a little amount, of water isretained in the plant or utilised by it in photosynthesis. The rest of it gets evaporated intothe atmosphere as water vapour through the stomata present …

Question 9. Briefly explain, how transpiration helps in upward conduction of water in plants? (a) ………. (b) ………. Read More »

Question 5.
Define the terms:
(a) semi-permeable membrane
(b) osmosis

Answer: (a) Semi-permeable membrane: It is a membrane that allows the movement of solventmolecules (e.g. water molecules) through it but prevents the movement of soluteparticles (e.g. sugar or salt molecules).For example: Egg membrane, parchment membrane, cellophane paper etc. are semi-permeable membranes. (b) Osmosis: The diffusion of water molecules through a semi-permeable membranefrom a region where …

Question 5.
Define the terms:
(a) semi-permeable membrane
(b) osmosis
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