Global WarmingA Serious Threat!

Global WarmingA Serious Threat!Global warming can cause sea levels to rise dramatically. In many places, coastal areas have already been flooded. Global warming could resultin wide ranging effects on rainfall patterns, agriculture, forests, plants and animals. Majority of people living in regions which are threatened byglobal warming are in Asia. A recent climate change report …

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What is smog ?

a thick fog-like layer in the atmosphere, especially during winters. This is smog which is made up of smoke and fog. Smoke may contain oxides of nitrogen which combine with other air pollutants and fog to form smog. The smog causes breathing difficulties such as asthma, cough and wheezing in children.

What is an air pollutants?

The substances which contaminate the air are called air pollutants. Sometimes, such substances may come from natural sources like smoke and dust arising from forest fires or volcanic eruptions.Pollutants are also added to the atmosphere by certain human activities.The sources of air pollutants are factories, power plants, automobile exhausts and burning of firewood and dung …

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