The most remarkable concept that Dalton’s atomic theory proposed was that of the atomic mass. According to him, each element had acharacteristic atomic mass. The theory could explain the law of constant proportions so well that scientists were prompted to measure theatomic mass of an atom. Since determining the mass of an individual atom was …


What is an Atom?

Atoms are defined as “the basic building blocks of matter”. Atom is the smallest constituent unit of matter that possess the properties of the chemical element. Atoms don’t exist independently, instead, they form ions and molecules, They can take part in the chemical reactions.. An atom is a particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical element. …

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John Dalton

John Dalton was born in a poor weaver’s family in 1766 in England. He began his career as a teacher at the age of twelve. Seven years laterhe became a school principal. In 1793, Dalton left for Manchester to teach mathematics, physics and chemistry in a college. He spent most of his life there teaching …

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