What state is Mont Kiara in?
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Mont Kiara Country Malaysia State Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Constituency Segambut Government
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Mont Kiara Country Malaysia State Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Constituency Segambut Government
Further information about the population structure: Age Groups Persons 0-14 years 1,980 15-64 years 9,611 65+ years 603
Cheras is one of the biggest, oldest, and more well-established residential areas in Klang Valley. Thanks to a few commercial developments in the neighbourhood, residential real estate there has been enjoying a high return on investment.
The Chera kingdom of Mahodayapuram was established in the ninth century in the south-western part of the peninsula, part of present-day Kerala. It is likely that Malayalam was spoken in this area. The rulers introduced the Malayalam language and script in their inscriptions.
The foundation for the Pandya supremacy in south India was laid by Maravarman Sundara I early in the 13th century. He succeeded his older brother Jatavarman Kulasekhara in 1216.
The last Chera King in the second Chera Dynasty was Rama Varma Kulashekhra. He ruled from 1090 to 1102 AD. After him Chera Dynasty ended. The Chola Dynasty ruled from 300 BC until late 13th century AD, although their territories kept changing.
The founder of the Chera dynasty was Uthiyan Cheral Athan
Vanniyars, historically considered a lower caste, have been trying to gain upward mobility since 19th century to move away from lower status using these Agnikula myths.
Cholas were suryakula Kshatriyas.
Pallava Dynasty {c.285 -905 CE} was a Tamil brahmin of bharadwaj gotra (Tamil Samaṇar Dynasty), Pallavas Ruled Andhra (Krishna-Guntur) and North and Central Tamil Nadu.