Why did the rulers endow temples with grants of land and money?
They did so in order to carry out elaborate rituals, feed pilgrims and priests, and celebrate festivals.
They did so in order to carry out elaborate rituals, feed pilgrims and priests, and celebrate festivals.
Temple towns represent a very important pattern of urbanization.
Comparison between Surat and Delhi Surat Delhi Emporium during the Mughal period due to the production of various goods.Gateway to West Asia due to the trade centre.Cosmopolitan city.Factories and warehouses.Known for cotton textiles. It was also an emporium during the Mughal period.Basically administrative town.Cosmopolitan city.Factories and warehouses.Known for business, trade, and commercial pursuits.
Craft production in Thanjavur was different from that of Kolkata in the following manner: Craft production in Thanjavur was in the form of inlays work in copper and silver. In Kolkata, it was in the form of cotton textiles, jute textiles, and silk textiles. Thanjavur was a temple town and all lived in town. Calcutta …
People from distant lands visited Surat because of the following reasons: Surat was the gateway for trade with West Asia via the Gulf of Ormuz. Surat has also been called the gate to Mecca because many pilgrim ships set sail from here. There was a big market for cotton textiles. One could find several retail …
Craftspersons were very important because of the following reasons: They carried out inlay work in copper and silver. Craftspersons from Bidar were well-known for Bidri work. Goldsmiths, bronzesmiths, blacksmiths, masons, carpenters built temples. They also maintained them. Weavers also played an important role in cotton textiles.
Towns grew around temples because of the following reasons: Priests, workers, artisans, craftspersons settled around temples. Several shops came up around temples to cater to the needs of pilgrims and priests etc.
Merchants, artisans (such as weavers), native traders and craftspersons lived in the ‘Black Towns’.
Water from wells and tanks was supplied to the city of Thanjavur through channels.
Three types of town that developed in medieval India were temple town, administrative town, commercial town or the port town.