Compare the temple shown in this chapter with any present-day temple in your neighbourhood, highlighting any similarities and differences that you notice?

The names of the total members are printed with a symbol allotted to them on a paper called ballot paper. The voter put a stamp over their choice and drops it in a ballot box. Votes are counted and the winners’ name is declared by the Returning Officer. Every procedure is organized by a statutory …

Compare the temple shown in this chapter with any present-day temple in your neighbourhood, highlighting any similarities and differences that you notice? Read More »

 Contrast the ‘elections’ in Uttaramerur with present day panchayat election?

The system of election in Uttaramerur was quite different from that of the present day panchayat elections. In the Uttaramerur election, the names of the persons eligible to be members of the committees were written on small tickets of palm leaves. The tickets were put into an earthenware pot. Thereafter a young boy was asked …

 Contrast the ‘elections’ in Uttaramerur with present day panchayat election? Read More »

What were the activities associated with Chola temples?

Splendid temples and bronze sculptures of the Cholas: Rajaraja and Rajendra built big temples of Thanjavur and Gangaikondacholapuram. They are architectural and sculptural marvels. Chola temples often became the centre of settlements around them. These were centres of craft production. Temples were also endowed with land by both rulers and others. The produce of this …

What were the activities associated with Chola temples? Read More »

What kind of irrigation works were developed in the Tamil Nadu?

Large scale cultivation was developed in Tamil Nadu and in many cases artificial irrigation became necessary. A variety of methods were used: Wells were dug Huge tanks were constructed to collect rainwater Canals were constructed All this work required planning, organizing labour and resources. Decisions were taken collectively on the usage of water. New rulers …

What kind of irrigation works were developed in the Tamil Nadu? Read More »

What did the new dynasties do to gain acceptance?

 The new dynasties gained power and wealth. Thereafter they declared themselves to be maha-samantas or mahamandaleshwara. Many of such kings adopted high sounding titles like maharaja-adhiraja or tribhuvana-chakravartin. They also deputed learned brahmanas to depict them as valiant, victorious warriors. Their activities were recorded in Prashastis. They tried to demonstrate their power and resources by building …

What did the new dynasties do to gain acceptance? Read More »

 How did the Rashtrakutas become powerful?

Rashtrakutas became powerful in the following manner: Rashtrakutas were subordinates to the Chalukyas of Karnataka. In the mid-eighth century Dantidurga, a Rashtrakuta chief, overthrew his Chalukyan overlord. He performed a ritual called Hiranya-garbha with the help of Brahmanas. This ritual was, then, considered to lead the rebirth of the sacrificer as Kshatriya, even if he …

 How did the Rashtrakutas become powerful? Read More »