Terrestrial habitats
The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitats. Some examples of terrestrial habitats are forests, grasslands, deserts, coastal and mountain regions.
The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitats. Some examples of terrestrial habitats are forests, grasslands, deserts, coastal and mountain regions.
The place where organisms live is called habitat. Habitat means a dwelling place (a home). The habitat provides food, water, air, shelter and other needs to organisms. Several kinds of plants and animals live in the same habitat.
There are some changes that can happen in an organism over a short period of time to help them adjust to some changes in their surroundings. For instance, if we live in the plains and suddenly go to high mountain regions, we mayexperience difficulty in breathing and doing physical exercise for some days.We need to …
Those Animals and Plants that live in water are called aquatic habitats. Lakes, rivers and oceans are some examples of aquatic habitats. T
A predator is an organism that eats another organism. The prey is the organism which the predator eats. It’s light brown colour helps it to hide in dry grasslands when it hunts for prey (animals to eat). The eyes in front of the face allow it to have a correct idea about the location of its prey. A deer needs …
Food, bright light and a thorn, in the above situations are some examples of changes in your surroundings. All of us respond immediately to such changes. Changes in our surroundings that makes us respond to them, are called stimuli.
This has to be removed from the body as wastes. Our body produces some wastes in other life processes also. The process of getting rid of wastes by organisms is known as excretion. Some plants find it possible to store the waste products within their parts in a way that they do not harm the …
Push your hand deep inside a sack of wheat. Do you find it is warm inside?There is some heat being produced inside the sack of wheat. The seeds respire and in that process give out some heat.We see that respiration is a process that takes place in seeds even when some of the other life …
Rocks, soil, air, water, light and temperature are some of the abioticcomponents of our surroundings.
Plants, animals and microorganisms together constitute biotic components.