Why is it called air?

The first records of the word air come from the later 1100s. It ultimately comes from the Greek word aēr, meaning “the lower atmosphere.” Generally speaking, the lower part of the atmosphere is the part that we live in and contains the gaseous mixture of air that we breathe and feel as wind.

How does water make power?

At the plant level, water flows through a pipe—also known as a penstock—and then spins the blades in a turbine, which, in turn, spins a generator that ultimately produces electricity. Most conventional hydroelectric facilities operate this way, including run-of-the-river systems and pumped storage systems.

What is the power of water?

Water is a vital resource that has fuelled human progress. It transports solids, dissolves minerals, chemicals and nutrients, and stores thermal energy. This ‘carrier characteristic’ allows for countless industrial, agricultural, and transport processes that enable our society to thrive.