What is the opposite of plateauing?
To have passed from one form, state, or level to another. changed. fluctuated. vacillated.
To have passed from one form, state, or level to another. changed. fluctuated. vacillated.
stabilisedUK stabilizedUS settled upheld upholden fastened rooted stiffened ossified evened out
To reach a stable level; level off: “The tension seemed to grow by degrees, then it plateaued” (Tom Clancy).
to reach a particular level and then stay the same: I’d been losing about a pound a week on my diet, but recently I’ve plateaued and haven’t lost an ounce.
reach a state of little or no change after a period of activity or progress.
The source is where a river begins, and the river mouth is where it joins the sea. The mouth may be in the form of a river delta. The joining of a streams is called a confluence.
Estuaries: Where the River Meets the Sea. Estuaries. Where freshwater rivers meet the salty open sea. There is a lot to love in an estuary.
The place where a river begins is called its source. River sources are also called headwaters. Rivers often get their water from many tributaries, or smaller streams, that join together. The tributary that started the farthest distance from the river’s end would be considered the source, or headwaters
Banks are the sides of a river or stream between which the water normally flows. bed. The bed (also called the river bed) is the bottom of the river (or other body of water).
The end of a river is its mouth, or delta. At a river’s delta, the land flattens out and the water loses speed, spreading into a fan shape. Usually this happens when the river meets an ocean, lake, or wetland.