What do you know about Bhakti?
bhakti, (Sanskrit: “devotion”) in Hinduism, a movement emphasizing the mutual intense emotional attachment and love of a devotee toward a personal god and of the god for the devotee.
bhakti, (Sanskrit: “devotion”) in Hinduism, a movement emphasizing the mutual intense emotional attachment and love of a devotee toward a personal god and of the god for the devotee.
What were the main features of the Bhakti Movement? That God is one single entity, with different names. Bhakti, intense love and devotion, the sole thanks to salvation. Repetition of the True Name. Self-Surrender. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. Rejection of idol worship by many saints.
Who are large farmers? Farmers owning more than 5 acres of land under farming or agricultural land are usually large farmers. (Various subsidy are given to farmers owning less than 5 acres of land). What is the difference between small farmers and large farmers?
The major crops can all be divided into four main categories depending on their usage. Food Crops (Wheat, Maize, Rice, Millets and Pulses etc.) Cash Crops (Sugarcane, Tobacco, Cotton, Jute and Oilseeds etc.) Plantation Crops (Coffee, Coconut, Tea, and Rubber etc.) Horticulture crops (Fruits and Vegetables)
Farming are three types:- Subsistence farming. Subsistence farming is described as family farming because it meets the needs of the farmer’s family. … Commercial Farming. In this farming, crops are growing for sale in the market. … Home Farming:- Home farming includes terrace farming, gardening.
marginal farmer (plural marginal farmers) A farmer with a bare subsistence level of income from their own land, sometimes working as an agricultural laborer. In India, the percentage of marginal farmers among all farmers is nearly 70%.
used to refer to people who do not have any land for farming or who are prevented from owning the land that they farm by the economic system or by rich people who own a lot of land: landless labourers/peasants.
Answer. One who doesn’t have land or not going to inherit any, but does the farming on other party field either by sub letting, leasing or contract Farming.
What are the main activities of people living near coastal village areas? Ans. People in villages near coastal areas earn their livelihood by fishing. Their houses are close to sea and one finds rows of catamarans and nets lying around.
Ans. : The government can do following things to help farmers like Sekar when they get into debt: (i) Provision of easy farming loans from the banks at low rate of interest. (ii) Insurance of their cultivation. (iii) Provision of subsidised fertilizers, pesticides and HYV seeds.