Who are the members of Gram Sabha?
Answer: All registered voters in the electoral roll of the Panchayat in the village are members of Gram Sabha.
Answer: All registered voters in the electoral roll of the Panchayat in the village are members of Gram Sabha.
The three levels of Panchayat Raj are: A. Village Panchayat, Zone level Panchayat, Panchayat Committee. B. District Panchayat, Sub-district Panchayat, Zone Level Panchayat. C. Village Panchayat, Block Panchayat, District Panchayat. D. Village Panchayat, Panchayat Committee, District Council.
As of January 2017, there were about 1,248 laws. However, since there are Central laws as well as State laws, it is difficult to ascertain their exact numbers as on a given date and the best way to find the Central Laws in India is from the official websites.
The Seventh part of the Indian Constitution is known as “The States in Part B of the First Schedule”. It has only one article – that is, Article 238. It was repealed by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956.
On August 29, 1947, the Constituent Assembly set up a Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar to prepare a Draft Constitution for India. While deliberating upon the draft Constitution, the Assembly held 11 sessions covering a total of 165 days.
Article 124 deals with the Establishment and constitution of the Supreme Court. It states that there shall be a Supreme Court of India constituting of a Chief Justice of India and, until Parliament by law prescribes a larger number, of not more than seven other Judges.
Article 371 (D) forms a part of the Constitution of India. It safeguards the rights of local people in employment and education and was created after agitation in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It was incorporated as the 32nd Amendment of the Constitution in 1974.
108. Joint sitting of both Houses in certain cases. (1) If after a Bill has been passed by one House and transmitted to the other House. (a) the Bill is rejected by the other House; or. (b) the Houses have finally disagreed as to the amendments to be made in the Bill; or.
(1) The executive power of the State shall be vested in the Governor and may be exercised by him in accordance with the Constitution and the law. (b) Prevent Parliament or the Legislature of the State from conferring by law functions on any authority subordinate to the Governor.
1. Robert Clive was the first Governor-General of Bengal. 2. William Bentinck was the first Governor-General of India.